
excellent read of tragic family story - with constant love and perseverance all through it

The writing style kept you wanting to read more, its definitely possible to read the book in one sitting. Outside of the tragic plot, it is also a story of warning, a warning about selfish behavior, ego and also predatory people and how they groom those in their crossbars. An excellent and quick read. Inspiring for anyone going through something really tough - there is hope and good in the end.
Graham S
great writing

While I don’t necessarily agree with all of the authors views/decisions regarding some of the instances in this book this book was very well written. Heartfelt and heartbreaking. The message of warning against what those with great power and a lack of moral compass are capable of was very well written. This book kept me engaged and reading.
Amazon Review
Revealing and Honest

From the beginning of Deceit, the author has you pulled into what comes to be a familiar struggle for so many marriages. He takes you through the entire painful process of finding out about a cheating spouse, the next confusing steps in his marriage, the court proceedings, and finally the sad but albeit satisfying end to his story. I can say that there are so many people that will relate to this on a person level, maybe not to the extreme circumstances portrayed in this web of deception- but definitely on the infidelity and betrayal of a once loyal and loving partner. The suspense and discomfort of his story provide for an experience no one wishes, but most can easily empathize with. The fact that this story is his truth, leads the the reader to appreciate his bravery for sharing what is undoubtedly the worst experience of his life. As a wife and mother, it broke my heart to read. I want to thank the author for reminding me of how much I appreciate my own spouse. Definitely worth the read for all married couples.
Anonymous Tea Lover
A Heart Breaking Betrayal

From the beginning of Deceit, the author has you pulled into what comes to be a familiar struggle for so many marriages. He takes you through the entire painful process of finding out about a cheating spouse, the next confusing steps in his marriage, the court proceedings, and finally the sad but albeit satisfying end to his story. I can say that there are so many people that will relate to this on a person level, maybe not to the extreme circumstances portrayed in this web of deception- but definitely on the infidelity and betrayal of a once loyal and loving partner. The suspense and discomfort of his story provide for an experience no one wishes, but most can easily empathize with. The fact that this story is his truth, leads the the reader to appreciate his bravery for sharing what is undoubtedly the worst experience of his life. As a wife and mother, it broke my heart to read. I want to thank the author for reminding me of how much I appreciate my own spouse. Definitely worth the read for all married couples.
Deanna Anderson
Amazon Review
The Effects of Physician Sexual Misconduct!!

Actions have consequences! And physician sexual misconduct is just as egregious as clergy abuse. Vernon Baumrind’s experience, his actions, his pain, his ultimate purging of the demons of physician sexual misconduct through the authorship of his book could not be more compelling. In the Duke Journal of Law and the Biosciences (March 2020), an article titled “Honoring the public trust: curbing the bane of physician sexual misconduct” the authors state: “Physician sexual misconduct represents a severe and irreversible violation of the compact underlying the patient–physician relationship and can have far-reaching consequences on the lives of patients and their families.” This is why multiple medical boards have refused to allow Dr. Ewing to practice in their states. Decades later, the effects of this gynecologist’s misconduct is still being felt as you can tell by Vernon Baumrind’s passionate expose. He overcame and was successful in his fight against Dr Ewing, but please do not forget the many patients and their families who did not have the ability or courage to fight against this type of abuse. Sexual misconduct by doctors is underreported and I hope this book compels other victims to come forward and seek the justice and recompense they certainly deserve. This book should be a must read for all first-year medical students!
Richard H
Amazon Review
Faith in Unfathomable Circumstances

Vernon Baumrind's book "Deceit" is a heartwrenching and determined journey of betrayal and strong determination of patience and endurance to maintain custody of his children. His love of family is a true testament of his faith and belief in the justice system. This book was well written and easy to read.
Neice T
Amazon Review
A quick read by an empathetic author

I find it surprising that this story that largely takes place in 1978-1985 took some long to see the light of day. True to the subtitle, there are salacious details, but they served to illustrate the strange dynamic at play between the people caught up in this cautionary tale. I assume that one reason this story took so long to write was a consideration for the sensibilities of the author's children when they WERE still children. I feel for the pain the author went through as his family was threatened, and I admire his determination and patience he demonstrated to obtain custody over his children...even harder to do back in the day than it would be today.
Carl A. Barlow III
Amazon Review
American Dream Gone Haywire

"Deceit" by Vernon Baumrind

As others have said, I also read this book in one day. It is both a horror story and a train wreck which is not restricted to the pages of this book. This story happens in the real world to real people!

Start with the American Dream where boy meets girl. He marries his college sweetheart and they begin building a life together. Two children arrive to complete the dream of a life built on a foundation of love and shared goals. Too good to be true? Apparently...

While HE has married the love of his life, SHE has very clearly NOT. The whole foundation of their shared life has "cracks". At this point, the serpent, both devious and deviant, appears in this Garden of Eden to exploit these cracks.

The father now has a single focus, and the story is about the lengths to which he will go to save his very young children from the destructive influence of their mother's life choices and priorities.

It's a compelling read, made more so by the fact that this is NOT FICTION!!
Tom C.
Amazon Review
American Dream Gone Haywire

"Deceit" by Vernon Baumrind

As others have said, I also read this book in one day. It is both a horror story and a train wreck which is not restricted to the pages of this book. This story happens in the real world to real people!

Start with the American Dream where boy meets girl. He marries his college sweetheart and they begin building a life together. Two children arrive to complete the dream of a life built on a foundation of love and shared goals. Too good to be true? Apparently...

While HE has married the love of his life, SHE has very clearly NOT. The whole foundation of their shared life has "cracks". At this point, the serpent, both devious and deviant, appears in this Garden of Eden to exploit these cracks.

The father now has a single focus, and the story is about the lengths to which he will go to save his very young children from the destructive influence of their mother's life choices and priorities.

It's a compelling read, made more so by the fact that this is NOT FICTION!!
Tom C.
Amazon Review
I couldn’t put this book down!

Upon reading the first pages, I was hooked! In fact, I read it in a few hours, and stopped a couple times to refer the book to other friends! The author does a really wonderful job of bringing you into his life and understanding the gravity of the situation.There is so much to be learned from this book! As someone who is two years married, it reinforces the importance of trust, as well as the pain that one can inflict (especially when children are involved ) when a door of infidelity is opened. I think this book is very important for couples to read. Whether or not you are in a rocky marriage or stable marriage, you can learn a lot. I highly recommend this book !!
Andrea Perdomo
Amazon Review
Faith in Unfathomable Circumstances

Vernon Baumrind's book "Deceit" is a heartwrenching and determined journey of betrayal and strong determination of patience and endurance to maintain custody of his children. His love of family is a true testament of his faith and belief in the justice system. This book was well written and easy to read.
Neice T
Amazon Review
True story

"The writing style is eloquent and immersive. The descriptions are vivid, painting a clear picture of the characters and enhancing the overall atmosphere of the story. The dialogue is capturing the characters' voices and adding an additional layer of authenticity to their interactions
Amazon Review
Greatly written

This book tells a fascinating story of sexual manipulation and all the problems it can cause and lead to betrayal of innocent families and other victims. It brings out the difficulties of proving evidence to counter false testimony by parties deemed to be most worthy of receiving custody of minor children. The male author explains magnificently why he needed to publish this revealing account of his traumatic personal struggles to obtain custody to make matters right for his beloved children.
Amazon Review
I read this in a day!

This astonishingly real thriller is a must for your bookshelf! Vernon Baumrind details the tragic events that led to the disintegration of his once-happy marriage. While at times the story is difficult to digest due to the nature of the events, the fact that someone had to go through this and was willing to relive the despair as a means to educate the general public, is heroic. I recommend this to anyone looking for an educational thriller - there is something to take away from this narrative no matter what role you resonate with.
Amazon Review
The End of a Marriage....... True story

Deceit is a true story in which the authors shares his experience and emotions of living with a wife who has become addicted to sex as a result of her gynecologist misconduct. He shares his journey as he fights for custody of his two kids in a precedent-forming case. I recommend that you read. I could not put it down.
S. Williams-Witter
Amazon Review

The story is riveting but simultaneously sad and sickening given that it is true. At times it was hard reading about some of the content contained in the telephone conversations, however one can see its importance to the telling of the story. It is disturbing how Linda could not (or would not) see through to the vileness of this man. It is doubly disturbing to think of this man's chosen profession given his propensities. Highly recommend reading if you like true stories!
Amazon Customer
Very gripping

Once I started reading the book I could not put it down. It is very intense and in some instances very shocking. It demonstrates how devastating sexual addiction can become. The evil behavior of a doctor taking advantage of his patients is a serious betrayal of trust. The book is well written. The author shares his story in a way that lets you walk in his foot steps. I recommend this book for anyone interested in a real true to life story. Sincerely Frank D
Frank D
Amazon Review
Gripping, Raw, Captivating story!

Such an unbelievably gut-wrenching and incredibly well written story of infidelity. Vernon writes in such a way that makes it easy to put yourself in his shoes and feel like you're right there with him. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down! Overall the story is enlightening and empowering to anyone going through this or have gone through infidelity before.
Kurt Willis
Amazon Review
I’ve read it & reread it!

A must read for todays times!The long reaching effects of pornography and the grip the addiction holds on someone is at the base of this true life story. How the families are affected is something we all should know. It was so inspiring to read the deep love that this father had for his children to keep custody of them to give them a healthy life. Very well written. I would highly recommend this book!!
Amazon Customer
WOW, dedicated to the kids and determined

Thought I would take a few days and work my way into the book. Deceipt was such a page turner I finished the next day. You begin to almost "hear the tape recordings" only to learn they get more and more daring and bold. Do yourself a favor download or buy - you will not regret it
Anne A. Harris
Amazon Review
Very captivating!

I could not put this book down. What an intriguing story of marital infidelity and a fight for custody of the two children. Having gone thru a divorce with children myself I could certainly relate to the concept of the story but doubt many divorces have been thru anything this extreme. Deceit conquers deceit! Beware!
Mark M
Amazon Review
Predators how?

While the subject matter is undoubtedly disturbing, "Deceit" also offers glimmers of hope and resilience. Vernon the author refuses to succumb to despair, readers are reminded of the strength of the human spirit. The book serves as a call to action, urging readers to remain vigilant and proactive in their communities, and to protect their families from predators.
louise andres
Amazon Review
the uncomfortable journey to do what is right

Are you curious about the fallout that comes when love between spouses has been broken apart? Are you intrigued by the technology one man utilized to do everything in his power to protect his family? This book is just the thing to answer those questions and to do what it can to impart critical lessons on life and love, on perseverance and dedication.
Malia Risak
Amazon Review
Worth the read!

A remarkable account of one man's fight for his children in the face of adversity, against the odds. I highly recommend.

Proverbs 20:18 Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
Demetra D
Amazon Review
True story

A true life story that will shock and amaze - can totally see a movie made based on this book - has all the emotional elements that draw you in to a sad yet triumphant experience!
Karen R. Moore
Amazon Review
Deceit is Enthralling!

This is one book that you will not be able to put down. At times it was difficult reading what this father had to endure to keep his children in his home…truly, a page turner.
Pamela S.
Amazon Review
Great read!!

Such an interesting book, so sad to see what he had to go through but it was all worth it. I couldn’t put this book!!
Rachel McGee
Amazon Review
A Father’s mission to protect his children

Amazing to read what lengths the author had to endure when faced with egregious infidelity to protect his children. A great read!
gregory j.
Amazon Review
Gripping and Thought-Provoking: 'Deceit' Exposes the Flaws in Human Relationships and Justice

"Deceit" by Vernon Baumrind is a gripping exploration of human relationships, the flaws in the justice system, and the devastating consequences of deceit and manipulation. The book raises essential questions about accountability and the weaknesses in the medical and legal systems while skillfully portraying character dynamics. However, the narrative occasionally feels repetitive, and some readers may need help with the extensive legal and medical terminology. Despite this, "Deceit" offers valuable insights into human behavior and is a compelling read that lingers in the mind long after the final page.
Angela Dee
Amazon Review
First-hand perspective of a marriage falling apart

In Deceit, Vernon Baumrind's memoir captures the dramatic collapse of his once-perfect family life in the late 1970s. His American dream—characterized by a loving marriage, two children, and a comfortable life in South Carolina—shatters when he uncovers his wife's affair with their gynecologist and family friend. Baumrind describes his intense devastation, anger, and the ensuing battle for custody of his children. To strengthen his custody case, he secretly wiretaps the family phone, and much of the memoir's detail is derived from these conversations and court records. Baumrind's raw and emotional writing allows readers to experience his journey through heartbreak, self-reproach, and eventual acceptance. Deceit is a powerful, immersive look at personal and legal struggles during a family crisis.
Amazon Customer
Beautifully Heartwrenching

When stories are based on real events, I am always a sucker. This novel absolutely shocks at every level, and lives up to its title wholeheartedly: betrayal with salacious details. What's even better is the mannerisms taken to achieve the plot of this whole endeavor. Could not put it down... Not joking, I got through this in two hours because it was so good. Absolutely worth the read!
Amazon Review
Great, gripping weekend read!

This was a great book that I couldn't put down, that also helped me realize I was not alone in my own struggles, to keep pushing on, and that things will work out in the end. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has been through a messy divorce or relationship!
Amazon Review
A True Story of Betrayal

"Deceit: A True Story of Domestic Infidelity and Betrayal with Salacious Details Recorded by Wiretap" by Vernon Baumrind provides a compelling narrative of marital infidelity in late 1970s South Carolina. Utilizing wiretap recordings, Baumrind exposes the intimate details of his wife Linda’s affair with their gynecologist, Dr. James Ewing. The book offers a raw portrayal of Baumrind's emotional struggles and his efforts to shield his young children from the fallout. The retrospective account highlights the enduring effects of infidelity on families and reflects on themes of love, trust, and resilience. Baumrind's vivid storytelling and the authenticity of the recorded conversations make for an engrossing read. This memoir is highly recommended for its emotional depth and insights into human relationships, appealing to memoir enthusiasts, legal professionals, and general readers.
Pablo J. Mendia
Amazon Reviews
True story of Betrayal and Resilience!

It’s all right there in the title, this book has it all, deceit, infidelity, and all the salacious details. Realizing his wife is being unfaithful Baumrind wiretaps his home phone and records and listens to every Juicy detail of his wife's betrayal in order to gather enough evidence to keep his children out of the hands of two people he describes as deviant and sociopathic. Baumrind excellently captured his pain while also portraying his strength. His love for his children outweighed the temptation to confront his wife and her lover with all that he knew. He was able to remain calm and restrain himself in the face of this enormous betrayal. Also worth noting, he waited several decades before publishing this story in order to protect the childrens’ relationship with their mother. Overall this story was both heartbreaking and inspirational. Baumrind's whole life was unraveling but yet he was able to persevere in order to do what was best for his children.
Amazon Customer
Effects of Deception in a relationship

Vernon discovers his wife is having an affair with her gynecologist. This causes great disappointment and heartbreak for him. However, he resorts to unconventional means like wiretapping the landline and hiring detectives to watch his wife, all to gather evidence to be used in court so he could gain custody of his children. Cheating on one's spouse is a terrible act, as it can easily bring down years of trust and happiness. The physician's conduct towards a married woman was uncalled for and deserves sanctions. Vernon did what he had to, and I felt bad for him throughout most of the story. The only thing I disliked was the lengths he had to go to get his evidence, but I understand why he did what he did. I recommend this book to adults and couples because they can pick up some lessons from it. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Amazon Customer
Truly Intriguing Story

Deceit by Vernon Baumrind is a definite must-read for all nonfiction lovers. The story follows spouses through the unfortunate events surrounding the end of their marriage and divorce. The book tells the story of a husband confronted with the unthinkable and how he navigates through the situation to protect his children. The fact that the court case ends up setting court precedent on wiretapping only adds to the interest of the story.

The story pulled me in from the first paragraph and held my attention until the last word. There was very precise consideration of details throughout the book. I felt like the author took great care in putting adequate details into each scene. The details were just enough that I got the full picture of what was happening without getting overwhelmed. I also felt that even though the content of the book could have lingered on details of the affair Baumrind was able to navigate details where the point was clear without completely revealing the elicit details.

The wiretapping had me hanging on every word. I wanted to know what was going to happen next. The fact that this was a true story left me feeling emotional for Baumrind as he uncovers the horrible truth and actions of his wife. This also was so relatable to people that wish they could listen in to conversations. If only to gather information and to verify what they already know as true.

I found the use of vocabulary refreshing. Baumrind used intriguing vocabulary that added to the story line as it showed that Baumrind was a highly intelligent man. This event obviously did not happen to someone that did not have enough intelligence to think about his actions and the actions of those around him.

The book was so relatable to people in the world today. People are dealing with the same issues of affairs, divorces, and child custody. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly common. Baumrind did exactly what he set out to do and raised awareness to the issues of broken marriage, affairs, and divorce.
Lee D
Amazon Review
Truth in Divorce

This account of a man’s path through the decision of getting a divorce after realizing his wife’s affair, is raw and real. He works very hard to ensure that his children will be protected from the ugliness of it all. He takes you along as he documents the proof of adultery while remaining true to himself. I would have liked to learn more about the children as they do appear in the periphery. A good read.
Shannon S Mayfield
Amazon Review
An engaging read

I really loved the main characters devotion to his children and the lengths he was willing to go to protect them. The narrative shines a light on how difficult it can be for a father to get custody of his children and the need to prove that the mother and her affair partner are unfit to parent.Though the book had some unconventional methods to bring out the truth I believe this was necessary given the implications of wire tapping was not used. Definitely give this book a read.
Varisha Khanna
Amazon Review
Fast paced, engaging story

Vernon Baumrind's memoir, Deceit, tells an intriguing story about his life leading up to, during, and after his divorce from his wife. He also recounts how actions were taken to protect his children from dealing with any potential harm. The book is well-paced and formatted in a way that keeps the reader engaged. It's also well-written, with hardly any editing errors.
Amazon Review
Secretly Recorded Coversations

I specifically liked this book for the fact that the conversations between the cheating wife and her new lover. It was suspenseful and actually really heartbreaking reading about a man who with all his heart had loved his wife and children. The pain he described was worse than most of us had suffered mentally. Took away one star as I believe the book could have been written in a different tone to pull the reader in more. But being a true story, I understand why they didn’t “spice it up.” Overall great story, but wish there was more detail and more drama.
Savanna Dransfield
Amazon Review
Well written memoir capturing readers' hearts!

Deceit was a work filled with emotions, felt through the author’s descriptive and excellent word choice. The author’s eloquence in expressing emotions through words was displayed throughout his memoir. Each page was filled with desires, determination, sentiments, and bittersweetness, which the reader felt deeply. The vulnerability with which the author shared his story allowed readers to simply listen and experience Baumrind’s writing, with a sensitive and feeling heart.
Mimi Bui
Amazon Review
Incredible and emotional
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Every page is packed with action and emotion, you really feel for the main character/ author especially considering this is a true story! A fact that sticks in your mind the entire time. Highly recommend this book. 4/5.
Emily Walmsley
Amazon Review
Cheating wife and a heart broken Father
A great read! Based off a true story. Genuinely a sad story about a wife who has been caught cheating and the fathers secretly has to gather evidence to present to the court to gain custody of his children. Highly recommend
Jackie T.
Amazon Review
Well-written and emotional
This was an intriguing book that had been hooked from the start. It uses the real taped phone transcripts that were previously sealed by court where the authors now-ex-wife indulges in explicit conversations with her affair partner. The author uses these transcripts to move the story along, but also provides his own insights and feelings on the events. It’s hard to read at times from an emotional standpoint, but I appreciated that the author provided his views on why this is an important story to tell, especially over 40 years after the events. Overall great read that I would only recommend to mature readers. There is explicitly sexual conversations and some strong language.
Booklover Becca
Amazon Review
In The Game Of Deceit We All Lose Something

In "Deceit," Vernon Baumrind takes us through a heart-wrenching journey of betrayal and its repercussions within a crumbling marriage. Baumrind shares his real-life experience of dealing with a wife who becomes increasingly distant, leading him to install a wiretap on his home phone. This decision triggers a cascade of events filled with adultery, debauchery, and legal battles.

Baumrind excels in conveying his rationale for the choices he makes, offering readers a deep dive into his thought process. He effectively outlines the systemic disadvantages he faces, particularly as a father fighting for custody of his children. The narrative does not hold back on details, providing explicit transcripts of the intercepted conversations. While this approach might seem excessive to some, it becomes impactful as the story progresses, enhancing the reader's understanding of the emotional stakes involved.

The book’s strength lies in its ability to keep the reader engaged, proving that sometimes reality is more bizarre than fiction. Baumrind’s straightforward writing style ensures accessibility, appealing to a broad audience without sacrificing depth.

In conclusion, I rate "Deceit" a perfect 5 out of 5 stars. It is a compelling narrative that captivates and compels readers to keep turning the pages. The few criticisms one might have generally pertain to personal preferences regarding explicit content, but such details are vital for grasping the full extent of the emotional and societal impact discussed. Baumrind’s account offers a stark glimpse into the damaging ripple effects of infidelity on a family and community, making it a must-read for those fascinated by the profound consequences of personal actions on broader social contexts.
Amazon Customer
In Deceit by Vernon Baumrind, the author comes to the realization one day that his wife was cheating on him with her gynecologists. To confirm his suspicions, he wiretapped his home phone to listen to her conversations with him. When he confirmed his wife's adultery, he thought of the children. Realizing that his wife would likely gain custody of them, he decided to take action to avoid this, seeing as the gynecologist, Dr. Ewing, would not be a fit parent for them. He hired detectives and a lawyer to get evidence to support his divorce lawsuits and custody of the children. It's shameful on Dr. Ewing's part to misuse his knowledge as a gynecologist because it was later found out that Linda was not the only patient whom he had made advances at. I like how meticulous and calculating Vernon was in dealing with the situation in which he found himself. I recommend this book to divorce attorneys and lovers of family drama stories.
Amazon Review
Aptly titled
While it is primarily an emotional narrative of the devastation of divorce, there are also multiple social themes running through this book. First, it’s a reflection on the past practice of most courts giving child custody to mothers (even cheating ones) more often than fathers. Another issue explored is the concept of sex addiction, more properly termed compulsive sexual behavior, and the contention that someone can be manipulated into this immoral conduct. Finally, the narrative explores the ethics of a husband eavesdropping on the personal conversations of his wife. Although it is a true story of personal devastation, these themes elevate its social context.
Amazon Review
Story Well Written and Edited
A raw, unflinching true story about a father who was determined to gain custody of his children in the midst of a divorce in the late 1970s. This is definitely a book for mature audiences due to the sexual content and language recorded on calls between the author's wife and her lover. It is a fast read and extremely well edited.
A. J. Tutwiler
Amazon Review
Super interesting read!
It's rare we get to hear the juicy details surrounding the demise of one's marriage. This book provides those details and more! The book was easy to read without being amateurish, and it kept my attention throughout. Couldn't wait to find out what happened to all the characters. Poor guy!
Amazon Review
Informative, Suspenseful, Raw, Moving!
Deceit is a book about true events that occurred in the author’s life. Vernon Baumrind is a successful businessman, loyal husband, and loving father. He loves his wife but has recently been feeling increasingly rejected by her. He is unable to understand why until he realizes that his wife might be having an affair with her gynecologist. How will he find out if this is true? How can he prove it? Whom can he trust? These questions are answered in this fascinating and harrowing chronicle. This story takes place in the late-1970s before cellphones, computers, and other advanced technology were commonplace. The main characters involve the author, his wife, and her gynecologist. His children are also very important to the story, as they are the driving force for the decisions he has to make after finding out the truth. The book reads almost like a movie script. There is suspense, sexual tension, innocent victims, and a villain who seems to be able to get away with evil. The author does a superb job of conveying his feelings of sorrow, anger, heartbreak, and hope. I found myself feeling incredibly empathetic to the author and his children. I even started rooting for him as he went on a challenging journey of devastating discoveries and difficult decision-making. What I was most moved by was the author’s selfless decision to choose what is best for his children, despite the grave betrayals he suffers from his wife and her gynecologist. His ability to maintain a clear head amidst chaos, to push ahead with hope despite obstacles thrown in his path, and to repeatedly avoid using his children to his advantage, is very rare and almost supernatural. This book can be a very useful and informational tool for almost any adult. Whether male or female, single or married, childless or with multiple children, the reader can learn how infidelity, addiction, and choices can affect an individual and their family. The author discusses many issues with transparency and doesn’t sugarcoat the issues he faces. He also presents the events in an organized manner that makes it easy for the reader to understand his predicament. This book also exposes the reader to various sectors of society that they might not have been exposed to or been involved in such as medical practice, legal proceedings, counseling, and detective work. I think this book would also greatly encourage any person who finds themselves in similar circumstances as the author. I would not recommend this book for anyone under 18, because several passages contain explicit sexual language. These passages are necessary for the story and are not gratuitous. Those who have been sexually abused or have a history of sexual addiction should use caution in reading this book, as these passages might be a trigger. I would rate this book 5/5. This book has had excellent editing as I could not find any errors.
Amazon Review
Good read
Deceit by Vernon Baumrind Is a gripping story about two families destroyed by selfishness. I rate this book three out of four because it is a very emotional book. I also noticed in this book that there are no spelling errors or editing errors that I could see. The subject in the book also deals with family ties which is always an emotional element. I also rate this book three out of 5 for the very same reason that it is very emotional. It is gripping, sad, interesting, and devious. I did like the book It gives a glimpse into an adulterous life and their lover's life. It also it gives a glimpse into the lives that were affected by the lovers. It would have been better if the author had given us a glimpse into his life after the events happened into the years that followed. Did the author ever move past the betrayal it doesn't sound like it in the book. It sounds like he held on to a grudge and did not live his life after the betrayal. It also sounds like he stayed bitter about what happened with his wife he, he never remarried it doesn't even mention if he dated those are things that should have been in the book. I would have liked to have known what happened with the spouse of one of the lovers. I would also have liked to know what happened with the children later on in life. Not to give any spoilers away which is kind of hard with this book as the title tells it all. This book also explores some of the laws from the 80s which is interesting. I would have liked to know more about wiretapping. I don't believe what was done in the book could be done now in this era with our cell phones and computers the way they are. It is definitely worth a read.
Amazon Review
How Far Would a Husband Go to Prove His Wife’s Infidelity? As Far As Necessary to Be Believed.
One day Vernon Baumrind suddenly realized that Linda was cheating on him. How was this possible? As a couple, they enjoyed socializing with that man and his wife. Why would the author reveal the depraved story that affected not only his family but also the community at large? How far was he willing to go to prove his suspicions? Confronted with a marriage that was beyond repair, Vernon Baumrind resorted to extreme measures to gather irrefutable evidence of the affair. Who was the other man? What shocking secrets did Vernon Baumrind reveal? What would happen to the children? This book exposes the details of a shocking affair that gained national attention. The author bravely shares his story of public humiliation. Are you brave enough to read it? I recommend this book to adults due to the mature themes it covers. It includes graphic descriptions of sexual activity and coarse dialogue that may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.
Amazon Review
How Far Would a Husband Go to Prove His Wife’s Infidelity? As Far As Necessary to Be Believed.
One day Vernon Baumrind suddenly realized that Linda was cheating on him. How was this possible? As a couple, they enjoyed socializing with that man and his wife. Why would the author reveal the depraved story that affected not only his family but also the community at large? How far was he willing to go to prove his suspicions? Confronted with a marriage that was beyond repair, Vernon Baumrind resorted to extreme measures to gather irrefutable evidence of the affair. Who was the other man? What shocking secrets did Vernon Baumrind reveal? What would happen to the children? This book exposes the details of a shocking affair that gained national attention. The author bravely shares his story of public humiliation. Are you brave enough to read it? I recommend this book to adults due to the mature themes it covers. It includes graphic descriptions of sexual activity and coarse dialogue that may be unsuitable for sensitive readers.
Amazon Review
From the very first page, the author pulls you in and makes you feel as though you are amid a family struggle that so many families experience. A family of four is torn apart by an affair guided by sex and not love. A mother puts another man before her husband and her two children. The moment the husband hears of the affair, he witnesses his wife come out of a doctor’s office with his own eyes. From there, he plants a recording device and listens in on their conversations over the phone. He takes all the necessary steps in order to gain custody of his children before the affair comes to the public eye. He takes you through the ups and downs of what an affair can do to not only the parent but the kids as well. A story that many people can relate to on a personal level through the web of betrayal and deception. There was not only betrayal and deception, but suspense as well. The author takes you through the days after the revelation of the affair, all the way to the bitter end. Through the turmoil, the most loving and caring father continues to put his kids first. He supresses his emotions and stays strong for them. A single father triumphs over a cheating wife and a sex-addicted gynecologist. It takes you through the struggles of court and the months and years it takes to finally get some justice
Shelby Wiederhoeft
Amazon Review​
An Emotional Odyssey
Deceit serves as a cautionary tale, shining a light on the dangers of selfishness, manipulation, and the corrosive effects of deceit. Baumrind's willingness to confront these uncomfortable truths with candor and compassion is a testament to his courage as both a writer and a human being. Overall, Deceit is well-written and leaves an indelible mark on the reader's soul. With its powerful themes, compelling characters, and evocative prose, it is a book that resonates long after the final page has been turned. I recommend it to anyone in search of a transformative reading experience.
Amazon Review
Divorce Affects the Entire Family
This is a fascinating story about Vernon’s courage battle to obtain custody of his two children after his wife files for a divorce after having an affair with her gynecologist. Vernon did a fantastic job of revealing how divorce affects everyone involved including their children. There was nothing I disliked about this book.
Amazon Review​
A good narrative
Deceit is a unique narrative that speaks to the worst fear of a spouse in marriage: adultery. The emotions relayed in this book are strongly felt by the reader; the author does a great job allowing his audience to experience what he did during the time the story takes place. The book is an easy read as well, the legal aspect of the story is understandable and doesn't require legal knowledge to read. Overall, I enjoyed reading this book.
Jordyn Frake
Amazon Review
This book was very well written and captured my attention from the first page. The author was open and raw with the telling of his life story, sharing details most wouldn't be brave enough to share. I would highly recommend this read!
Amazon Review​
You won't put it down.
Full of intrigue and suspense. This page turner highlights the tribulations of fatherhood. And the length one must go to in order to preserve his family.
Sean Barnes
Amazon Review
Author is a rock star!
This is an incredible story of resilience and persistence by a betrayed spouse seeking justice and custody. The story reveals that the author is an absolute bad@$$! He quite simply ran circles around the adulterous wife and her predatory gynecologist. He's an inspiration to every spouse who has ever shared his experience. I admire him so much!
Amazon Review​
I couldn't put this book down!
This book was captivating from the beginning. The story leaves you wanting more. I really enjoyed reading it and recommend it to anyone that enjoys real life stories.
Brittany Morris
Amazon Review
A man’s painful journey
This was such a heartfelt story of being deceived, cheated on, and betrayed by the one person who’s vowed to love and cherish you.
Russell Conine
Amazon Review
Awesome book!
Overall, I enjoyed this book. I thought that the author wrote the book beautifully, and I could feel the emotions he was experiencing through the words he used. I found myself being completely shocked and saddened by the actions of his wife during her affair. I also enjoyed reading about how Vernon’s story developed throughout the book. The events that he went through were extremely challenging, but he showed extreme bravery and courage when he fought for what he wanted.
There was nothing that I did not like about the book. I was completely intrigued by the entire plot of the book, and I found it difficult to put down. I also did not find any typos or grammatical errors while I was reading. This is a testament to the exceptional editing that was completed prior to publication.
Michaela Sanders
Amazon Review​
Captivating read on infidelity!
This book is heart wrenching! I read the whole thing in a day because I couldn't put it down. He walks you through all the brutal details from the time he initially suspected infidelity in his marriage down to years later when so much more information surfaced that brought him clarity and closure. Definitely worth the read, and hopefully the more people read it the less this will continue to happen to others!
Amazon Customer
An Shocking Read
While reading this book, I was shocked at just how callous some people can be with others’ emotions. I enjoyed my time reading this book, as I actually felt how upset the author was by the events that occurred. There were a few errors in the book, but with another round of editing I wouldn’t hesitate to give it a full rating!
Kendal Low
Amazon Review
Well written and Interesting story. Couldn’t stop reading it!
Excellent book. The writer is a smart, honest and way ahead of his time human being who pours his heart and emotions in such a vivid experience. Definitely recommend it.
Marie B.
Amazon Review​
Interesting Read
Shocking tale of cheating and the lengths a dad will go to to protect his children. Interesting read with the wiretap information.
Penny Higdon
Amazon Review
Raw and insightful! Wow! I usually take my time reading books so that I can savor every moment. This “page turner” had me from the beginning. I finished it in short order. Vernon Baumrind’s extremely private, and raw depiction of what happened to him through adultery is nothing short of riveting! The book not only explores the effects of adultery on the individual, but on the family, and arguably on society as a whole. His depictions of his wife and her doctor lover being recorded using intimate and graphic language of the affair, is “jaw dropping.” Props to Vernon for keeping his family together, despite the selfish actions of his wife. It is a testament to his character and strength. The book also explores the legalities and ethical considerations of wire tapping as it applies to one’s private home. Since wire was tapping involved, this case was of interest to national media, who explored the controversial subject at length. If you’re looking for a book that demonstrates the courage needed to come face-to-face with the most private details of your life, and overcome one’s demons despite the risk of public humiliation and ridicule, this book is for you. Pick it up ASAP. You won’t be disappointed.
Kendal Low
Amazon Review
5 Out of 5 Stars!!
If you've been waiting for a book that is full of suspense, riveting details, and surprises around every corner, then this is it! Jump right in! You won't be disappointed!
Andy Bahr
Amazon Review​
Although the contents of the wiretapped recordings are heartbreaking, their revelations and the consequences that follow are edifying. I finished this book with a deeper understanding of how unpredictable the human person can be and how easily some people can abandon their marital responsibilities to satisfy their selfish desires.
Amazon Customer
A compelling story and a must read for fathers navigating divorce
In ‘DECEIT,” readers are taken on an emotional journey through the relentless pursuit of a loving father's quest to secure custody of his children. The author skillfully weaves together a gripping narrative, drawing the audience into a real-life drama that is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. The book delves into the depths of the legal system as the father faces formidable odds while fighting for his children's future. The use of wiretap technology adds an element of intrigue, capturing the reader's attention and highlighting the extraordinary lengths to which the protagonist went to seek justice. The theme of humility and perseverance prevailing over arrogance and influence resonates throughout the book, leaving a powerful impact on readers.
Beyond the courtroom drama, the story touches upon crucial issues that plague modern society. The examination of addiction to sex and pornography sheds light on their devastating effects, offering valuable insights into the human psyche. The narrative emphasizes the significance of awareness and the profound difficulty of rebuilding trust once it has been shattered.
In this compelling story, the reader learns the importance of principles and priorities in life, understanding the significance of making wise choices about who to trust. By providing intimate details and national acclaim for the legal precedent set by the case, the book successfully captivates readers, making it a must-read for anyone interested in legal dramas and human resilience.
The author's ability to intertwine profound life lessons within this gripping tale makes it an essential read for those seeking hope and inspiration in the face of adversity. “DECEIT” is a poignant reminder of the enduring power of a parent's love and the indomitable spirit of the human soul. In conclusion, this book is a powerful testimony to the strength of the human spirit and a testament to the unyielding determination of a devoted father. It is highly recommended for readers seeking a compelling, heartrending, and ultimately uplifting true story.
Amazon Review​
A Very Good Book
Simply put, Deceit by Vernon Baumrind is an excellent read; I give it five stars.
While it is sad that it is not a work of fiction, the book is very encouraging because one of the things it teaches is how to handle adverse situations. The author is to be applauded for his restraint and recovery from what causes most of us to shatter. From cover to cover, the book holds your interest and pulls at your heartstrings.
Another aspect of the book that I like is the fact that because Mr. Baumrind was courageous, he encouraged others to be as well, and that is commendable. Betrayal and deceit must never become appropriate and not carry consequences with them. Good job.
Amazon Review​
Great book
This book is a great read. Baumrind recounts every detail of his horrifying experience with his spouse’s betrayal. You feel every emotion he is feeling throughout the entire book. His battle for custody of their two kids is his main priority, and he makes that known from the beginning. Baumrind’s resilience can only be admired.
Amazon Review​
‘Bad Things Happen when Good Men Do Nothing’
The emotion I mainly experienced reading the book was of immense sadness-that so many people were hurt by the selfish actions of two people. Actions always have consequences-inaction, also. Speaking of a rock being thrown into the water creating ripples-this one created tsunamis! Lives ripped apart…. the fact that the devious plans were for Mr. Baumrind to be the one kicked out of his own house because the wife had found someone else, and his children basically taken away was the most devious.
As for his actions, his was motivated by the love for his children. I would have done anything to save my young children from a situation that probably would have almost certainly been terrible. I think Mr. Baumrind showed courage and certainly ingenuity in taping the conversations. The situation reminded me of David and Goliath. That really took courage!
It grieves me to see in America in this era more and more families destroyed by people not taking marriage vows seriously, or, more to the point, not having enough commitment to even enter into marriage. I feel that if you destroy the family, you eventually destroy the nation.
Mr. Baumrind was right into taking the only course available to him. As my husband of almost 60 years says, ‘Bad things happen when good men do nothing’.
Evelyn lynne Cox
Amazon Review​
The author has been a friend for more than 50 years. What he says is truthful and brave.
Important to the young children’s well-being 45 years ago, the explicit details of this story were not revealed; although the basic story gained national acclaim in the 1980’s. Today, the specific details of the story are important to talk about and understand, as outlined in Chapter 19 of this book. The principal antagonist in this story, a gynecologist, was a lifelong sexual predator with power and authority and it is very important to see how he operated to the detriment of everyone else in his sphere and to understand how the tragedy that followed was possible. The revelation of this story is eye-opening! It exposes the realities of such contemptible behavior. There is no excuse for any vilification of the author for what he is sharing with us in this appalling tale provided for our benefit.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Review​
Deceit is a powerful, provocative page-turner...a must read !!
Deceit by Vernon Baumrind is a thought-provoking, riveting page-turner. This book takes the reader through a maze of lies and deception. There are no winners in the game of Deceit. None. You can only hope to survive and live to talk about it, and 40-years later Vernon does just that in a masterful manner that will shock the readers, leading them down a gut-wrenching story of deception, disillusionment, tragedy, and deceit!! There is great hope and many lessons to be discovered here, and I believe every man, single or married, should read this book!!
David R Wells
Amazon Review​
The author has been a friend for more than 50 years. What he says is truthful and brave.
Important to the young children’s well-being 45 years ago, the explicit details of this story were not revealed; although the basic story gained national acclaim in the 1980’s. Today, the specific details of the story are important to talk about and understand, as outlined in Chapter 19 of this book. The principal antagonist in this story, a gynecologist, was a lifelong sexual predator with power and authority and it is very important to see how he operated to the detriment of everyone else in his sphere and to understand how the tragedy that followed was possible. The revelation of this story is eye-opening! It exposes the realities of such contemptible behavior. There is no excuse for any vilification of the author for what he is sharing with us in this appalling tale provided for our benefit.
Phil duQuesnay
Amazon Review​
Very hard to put down
This true story leaves no doubt as to the overwhelming anguish the author (and his children) went through as his wife, the love of his life, and their mother succumbed to and continued an adulterous relationship with her sexually perverted gynecologist. My blood boiled multiple times, and I was amazed at the author's ability to stay relatively calm while confirming this horrible "crime". I was intrigued by his patching together of an in-home wire tap system to capture much of the salacious conversation between the two deviants.

I personally know the author – he is a good, kind man. What he went through was pure hell. I hope his children know how good a man and father he was, and is. After reading DECEIT, I think readers will know also.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Review​
Real & Riveting
It's rare that a real-life story is a page turner, but the uncertainty of outcome as events happen and characters on both sides of good & bad make this book absolutely riveting! Adding to these elements is the excitement boost that happens in the most unique way: as transcribed dialogue actually recorded by the author. This book reveals human nature full of character qualities both admirable and repulsive. I know some folks who need to read this thing. Life lessons are here with the biggest one being that truth and time travel together.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Review​
Must READ!- What a moving true story
This is a true page turner! It’s amazing the lengths taken to protect and shield the children from the inevitable. So many people have been affected by an unfaithful spouse. This is not only a well-spoken true story, it stirs memories of my own. IF you think and feel your relationship is solid, this true story will either confirm or stir your personal feelings. This is well worth the read.
Jeff M
Amazon Review​
Adult lives driven by sexual gratification
The author expresses himself very well. The story is true and loaded with graphic, titillating sexual details of an affair between a gynecologist and his married female patient. Imagination runs wild as do the characters. Perhaps more important is the story of the affect of this deceitful affair on the husband and how committed he is to his children.
Harry N. Brown
Amazon Review​
A spellbinding story of one man's true grit and determination
Wow! Wow! Wow! Could not put it down. A true story that has been waiting to be told. Needing to be told. Transcripts of the phone calls were spellbinding and led to a national dialog from talk shows to news programs. The trial was groundbreaking from depositions to the judge's rulings with regard to the use of wire taps. Throw in a federal investigation by the FBI. Groundbreaking, entertaining and easy read. Add to your need to read list.
Amazon Review​
Real & Riveting
It's rare that a real-life story is a page turner, but the uncertainty of outcome as events happen and characters on both sides of good & bad make this book absolutely riveting! Adding to these elements is the excitement boost that happens in the most unique way: as transcribed dialogue actually recorded by the author. This book reveals human nature full of character qualities both admirable and repulsive. I know some folks who need to read this thing. Life lessons are here with the biggest one being that truth and time travel together.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Review​
Riveting True story of betrayal and deceit that was featured on the television show 2020 in 1985
Truth is stranger than fiction! This well written account of marital infidelity and the consequences is a prime example. The authors well written account brings the series of events to life and leaves you wanting to read this book cover to cover in one sitting.
Amazon Review​