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I believe it is safe to say that the majority of people entering into a marriage rarely suspect that their vows will be all but thrown in the trash years later. Sadly, this was the case for Vernon Baumrind. He went into his marriage with nothing but love and pure intentions. Unfortunately, years later he would learn that his wife, Linda, wasn’t as attached to those vows as he was.
Vernon Baumrind penned Deceit to share his unique story with readers. Using wiretap technology, he was able to record conversations between his wife and her gynecologist whom she was having an affair with.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The author’s writing was fantastic, and I could feel his emotions through his words. Throughout my time reading, I found myself feeling sadder and sadder for him as he learned more about his wife’s affair. I understand a happy and successful marriage is by no means an easy thing to accomplish, but I found myself utterly shocked by Linda’s actions. It is hard to believe that people can turn out to be so horrible to those they used to love.
I enjoyed watching Vernon’s story develop, and I commend him for being brave enough to fight for what he wanted, even though it was extremely challenging at times. I’m confident that any other readers who decide to give this book a try will feel the same way.
I found myself utterly captivated by this book, wondering whether Vernon would come out on top or not. His writing style was incredibly fast-paced, in the best possible way, and I found I couldn’t put the book down once I was stuck into it. Unfortunately, I did find a few small errors, preventing me from giving this book a perfect rating. I believe with another round of editing, this book would be perfect. So, for the reasons mentioned above, I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars.
I would say this book isn’t suitable for all ages as a result of the strong language and sexual themes throughout. I believe it would only be suitable for more mature readers who are not sensitive to these things.

Kendal Low

Deceit immediately pulls the reader into the author’s reality without any lead-ups or background information about his life. I found this to be beneficial and refreshing because the reader’s attention is captivated by his epiphany that his wife is having an affair. The feelings and thoughts Vernon describes in the first few pages about his wife’s infidelity are relatable. As a person who went through a similar experience, I could easily empathize with him.
While the book did include all the parts of a decent story (especially the rising action, climax, and falling action), there were some parts that left me vexed. Vernon mentions his disgust of the idea of Ewing (the wife’s lover) being a ‘full time parent’ for his two children at least three times within two pages. There was unnecessary repetition of particular parts that a singular explanation would have sufficed in getting Vernon’s point across to the reader. Also, quite a few times, “was” was used to end a sentence (for example, “as painful as that was.”) and although there’s no official rule against doing so, the sentences could have been edited to avoid doing so completely.
While initially, the thoughts and feelings of the author were apparent about the hurt he experienced learning his wife was cheating with her gynecologist, the majority of the book relied on court or wire-tap transcripts or other forms of documentation so it was void of expression and emotion. In the later chapters, the reader is actually viewing transcripts from court proceedings and without being able to actually hear what is being said, the pages become boring and difficult to get through.
I understand the points Vernon was making when he decided to write this book about his own experience and commend him for doing so, but I believe the book would have been more powerful if it had included what was in the first few pages throughout the story. Although Vernon was respectfully waiting until his two children were adults before writing and publishing his book, I think the 40-50 years of separation from the events caused a disconnection.

Maranda Jacob

Vernon Baumrind’s Deceit gives the grueling details of his wife’s repulsive affair with her gynecologist, ultimately leading to the end of their marriage. In this non-fiction thriller, Baumrind recounts the exact series of events from the time he first suspected his wife’s affair to when the divorce was final. His main concern is to ensure he obtains custody of his two kids, ages four and two, and he will do anything to ensure that happens. When
Baumrind first suspects the affair, he wiretaps the phone. The reader can see firsthand the exact conversations taking place between his wife and her doctor. Although it is sickening to read, it is real. One can only imagine the feelings Baumrind was having in those very moments. He immediately finds a lawyer to get advice on the best steps to take to obtain custody of the kids. His lawyer, Jan Warner, does everything he can to make that happen. From start to finish, Deceit shows how sexual manipulation can ruin even the happiest of families.
I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars. The emotions the reader feels from start to finish are unreal. Baumrind does an outstanding job of providing each and every detail throughout his entire experience. While going through this disgusting affair, he kept careful notes of what each day brought and maintained his composure all for his kids. Baumrind’s persistence, patience, and determination are admirable, and the reader can’t help but feel for him. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys thrillers that are hard to read but hard to put down.
The book contains advanced vocabulary. Sometimes I felt it went over my head, and I had to look up definitions. While everything Baumrind writes is real, the details are sometimes too in-depth for my taste. I feel there may be a better way to word some of the sickening details of his wife’s affair where it wouldn’t be so hard to read.


“Deceit: A True Story of Domestic Infidelity and Betrayal with Salacious Details Recorded by Wiretap” by Vernon Baumrind offers a compelling narrative that delves into the depths of human emotions and the consequences of deceit. This gripping true story uncovers the harrowing journey of a loving father as he navigates a tumultuous legal battle for custody while confronting the dark truths of infidelity and sexual addiction.
The author, Baumrind, skillfully weaves a tale that transcends mere storytelling by incorporating real wiretap recordings, giving readers a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the mind of a betrayer. This unique approach provides a chilling authenticity that sets the book apart from traditional true crime narratives. From the onset, the author captivates with his vivid descriptions and intimate portrayals of the characters, enabling readers to empathize with their struggles and pain.
The central theme of the book revolves around the repercussions of betrayal, highlighting the emotional turmoil experienced by the betrayed partner. Baumrind’s depiction of this emotional journey is both heart-wrenching and relatable, fostering a
strong connection between readers and the characters. Additionally, the narrative delves into the broader societal implications of infidelity, prompting readers to ponder the moral complexities of such situations.
One of the standout aspects of this book is its exploration of the devastating effects of addiction to sex and pornography. Baumrind’s meticulous detailing of this theme underscores the importance of awareness and the dire consequences of succumbing to one’s addictions. Through the protagonist’s struggle and eventual triumph, the book offers lessons in humility, perseverance, and the prioritization of principles.
While “Deceit” is a gripping tale with significant strengths, it is not without its minor flaws. The book occasionally veers into a sense of bitterness and justification, potentially overshadowing some of its more compelling aspects. The emotional turmoil of the author is palpable, but at times it leads to a narrative tone that may come across as one-sided.
Overall, “Deceit” merits a rating of 4 out of 5. This score reflects the book’s captivating storytelling, incorporation of authentic wiretap recordings, and exploration of profound themes such as trust, addiction, and the consequences of betrayal. The emotional resonance and relatability of the characters contribute to the book’s strength. However, the occasionally bitter tone and limited exploration of alternative perspectives prevent it from achieving a perfect score.
In conclusion, “Deceit: A True Story of Domestic Infidelity and Betrayal with Salacious Details Recorded by Wiretap” serves as a cautionary tale that resonates deeply with readers. Vernon Baumrind’s ability to immerse readers in the intricate web of emotions, combined with the unique use of wiretap recordings, ensures that this book will leave a lasting impression and stimulate meaningful conversations about trust, consequences, and the complexities of human relationships.


Deceit is a nonfiction book. Vernon Baumrind, a successful businessman and father of two living in North Carolina, shares his story of living in turmoil with a spouse who cheated with her gynecologist. She was stuck under the gynecologist’s control, defying all else, and did not even know it. Or did she? In his book Deceit, the author shared his experiences, the challenges he faced in gaining custody of his daughters, whom he loved so much, and he bared his emotions for his readers to understand what he was going through. The book gives insight into his day-to-day life as well as enlightens us on his
wiretapping legal precedent-forming case with all the juicy details that the wiretapping uncovered.
I found this book to be relatable. The author was honest about his feelings, what was happening to him, and how he dealt with it. The events were so appalling that it may be hard to believe it is a true story, but the author described his feelings so vividly that I could see the truth in his words. I like that he was honest and didn’t hold back, no matter how hard or messy the situation was. I also liked how determined he was to achieve what was right for his children, no matter how hard it felt.
I rate Deceit by Vernon Baumrind 5 out of 5 stars. It was honest, appalling at times, but encouraging that there is hope and a person does not have to stay in an unhealthy situation for fear of losing their child or children. It was professionally edited, and I found no errors in my reading.
I recommend this book to adults in unhealthy marriages or situations who need encouragement from someone who has been through a similar situation and emerged with results in his favor.

by Soshell Williams-Witter

“Deceit: A True Story of Domestic Infidelity and Betrayal with Salacious Details Recorded by Wiretap” takes readers on an intense journey through a tumultuous and highly personal tale of love, betrayal, and resilience. This real-life account by Vernon Baumrind offers a unique perspective on the devastating effects of infidelity, the consequences of addiction, and the power of perseverance. However, it’s important to note that this book contains explicit content, including pornographic material and profanity.
From the book’s overview, it’s clear that Vernon Baumrind’s story is a powerful narrative of a loving father’s struggle against formidable legal odds to secure custody of his children. The use of wiretap technology adds a compelling layer of authenticity, giving readers a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the complexities of his situation. The book doesn’t shy away from the explicit details of infidelity, which, while salacious, serve to illustrate the profound emotional turmoil experienced by the central characters.
The book’s exploration of the devastating effects of addiction to sex and pornography is a crucial theme that underscores the importance of awareness. Baumrind’s account vividly portrays how trust can be irrevocably shattered, making it difficult to return to normalcy once betrayal has occurred. The lessons on principles and priorities in life are
valuable takeaways that resonate with readers, offering insights into the strength of the human spirit.
Despite its many strengths, the book does have some drawbacks. The narrative occasionally takes on a bitter tone, which may detract from the overall reading experience. Baumrind’s focus on blaming others for his situation at times overshadows the narrative’s more compelling aspects. Additionally, the book may not be suitable for all audiences due to its explicit content, including pornographic material and profanity.
In conclusion, “Deceit: A True Story of Domestic Infidelity and Betrayal with Salacious Details Recorded by Wiretap” deserves a rating of 4 out of 5. The book’s gripping storytelling, use of wiretap recordings, and exploration of profound themes make it a compelling read. It successfully conveys the emotional dynamics of the characters and the far-reaching consequences of betrayal, both within and beyond the confines of marriage. However, the occasional bitterness in the narrative and the explicit content may limit its appeal to a broader audience.
Readers who appreciate candid and unfiltered accounts of personal struggles and triumphs will find “Deceit” to be a thought-provoking read. It serves as a cautionary tale about the fragility of trust and the enduring power of determination in the face of adversity.
